Classical Homeopathy is a system of healing that works on your health on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who lived from 1755 – 1843. A homeopath views your symptoms as unique to you. It is your body telling you that you are out of balance and need some help. An example: in asthma one person may be affected by humid hot weather, while another will have problems with cold rainy weather. These differences are taken into account when a remedy is selected so two people with the diagnosis of asthma will each need a different remedy to help them heal. In conventional medicine the treatment for a certain diagnosis is usually very similar. Inhalers and steroids etc. are given that basically suppress the body’s symptoms for a time, requiring the medicine to be taken continuously to get relief. It does not get to the root cause. Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal and mineral substances. They come in different potencies. This means they are diluted and shaken between each dilution. The homeopath will select the potency that is right for you.

Dr. Rachel West