Do you suffer from some of these symptoms?

– increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells
– difficulty standing up for a longer time
– digestive disturbances
– depression
– cardiac and respiratory problems
– malaise after exercising
– tiredness after sleeping
– muscle and joint pain
– chronic, often severe, mental and physical exhaustion
– weakness in muscles

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common name for a group of disorders that can be defined by persistent fatigue unrelated to exertion, and are  not relieved by rest. The disorder may also be known to as post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis(ME). The cause of Chronic fatigue syndrome is currently unknown.

Doctor West investigates and treats these conditions using the following methods:

– hormone balancing,
– food allergy testing,
– diagnose infections,
– IV vitamins,
– genetic testing,
– osteopathic treatment,
– cranio-sacral work,
– adrenal treatment,
– thyroid evaluation.